Tis that time of year for Graduations
It's that time of year, again, when we attend graduations. Sometimes the ceremonies fall on the very day we honor Moms and Dads. I suppose parents don't mind sharing their day for getting your son or daughter launched has to be one of the best feelings in the world. Not to mention getting your adult child on their own financially, if they aren't already, which helps the family budget a great deal. This past weekend, I watched my own daughter march across the stage to collect her MBA Diploma. The cement bench was obviously hard and the sun beat down mercilessly on the audience of supporters. Still my husband and I hardly noticed. (Okay, I may have complained a couple of times as I tried to shade myself with the commencement program.) As we soaked in the S. California sunshine, we were reflective on how quickly the years pass and how much closer we are getting to our own retirement. As I observed each graduate receive their diploma, I couldn't help but wonder where life would take each one. Did they have employment currently? Were promotions on the horizon? Had they found their person? Were they complete and content in their singleness? What was their family of origin like? How much debt had they accumulated in their academic pursuits? Did they have a plan to pay off any debt as quickly as possible? And, I couldn't help but feel pride (the very humble kind -- where your heart is full of gratitude) watching my own 23-year-old-daughter take her place in the black gowned graduates. This was her dream but it had not so secretly been my dream for her, too. And, it felt better than my own graduation day(s) times 10! Look out world, here they come! They are like shining stars taking their place in the night sky. Shining a bit brighter and more enthusiastically than the stars around them, and, this sappy sentimental Mom is A-okay with that!